GoldieBlox is the latest inspirational super-hero engineering girl. And since my dad is a lead mechanical engineer for NASA at JPL, I suppose it was obvious that I would be the recipient of some GoldieBlox items sooner than later. Sure enough, it happened not too long ago when I was given the GoldieBlox and the Builder’s Survival Kit. I thought the book in the kit was fun with stories about her dog Nacho and invention drawings, and I plan on keeping it for now. I was even inspired to create my own secret inventor’s journal. But the actual projects in the kit were a disaster. Both my parents, who are exceptionally crafty and technically inclined, helped me put them together by following the instructions in the book and there was no true success to be had. More like frustration. Needless to say I’m donating it and I hope the next recipient has better luck than me or can find a way to turn the pieces into recycled art or jewelry!
On Amazon: GoldieBlox and the Builder’s Survival Kit